The Rosary Ministry is a liturgical ministry where the group leads the rosary 30 minutes before each weekend Mass.
Contacts: Tricia Viola - 5pm Mass, Linda Sherman - 9am Mass, and Ramona Ochoa - 11am Mass
The Chalice Ministry is a Ministry where an individual, or a family, accepts a special chalice at Mass and prays for vocations at home for one week. The individual or family then returns the chalice at the next weekend Mass.
Chair Person: Mike Vance
Spanish Chair Person: Martha Guzman
To “Pray for the Living and the Dead” is one of the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy. We have a Prayer Intentions drop box at the entrance to our parking lot where anyone, whether a parishioner or not, is welcome to write their prayer request on one of the cards and drop it into the box. On Tuesday mornings, when the Rosary Group prays for the intentions and needs of our parishioners and the broader community, they collect the cards and include those intentions in their prayers. Everyone is welcome to join the Rosary Group. During these pandemic times, the Rosary Group gathers outdoors in one of the landscaped prayer areas. Join us on Tuesdays at 11:00a.m.